Wednesday, June 30, 2010


The last couple of weekends we have spent part of it on the boat. The girls are super good on the boat and know exactly what they can and can't do. They are even learning all kinds of new vocabulary (anchor, prop, marina, dock, and lots more that I can't think of).

The newest thing is TUBING!!

The plan was for me to tube with them, one at a time. But when we got ready to do it they wanted me to do it first so they could see what it was like. So I tubed. Please ignore the lovely orange life jackets. I forgot to ask them to put a normal one on the boat for me so I was stuck with this.

Then, Taylor wanted to tube but she wanted to go all by herself! I was a little scared to let her go all by herself so at first we just pushed her out and let her float in the tube without the boat moving to make she wouldn't get scared.

As you can see she wasn't.

Then we were off! We were in a cove with no other boats and went really slow but she kept yelling faster! She did awesome and has done a couple of times since then.

Next it was Kendall turns. I was certain that she would want me to go with her but no she wanted to go by herself as well. She was super brave and did fabulous!

The girls love to swim! They are like crazy wild maniacs in the water. All over the place! Thank God for life jackets

Daddy and his girls

This is one of my favorite pictures. I was driving and Kendall and Ryan were sitting in the front of the boat just chatting away. Kendall is getting so grown up these days. It is really weird and exciting to watch her.


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