Sunday, August 11, 2024

The start of good-byes

"Chung" or most of them got togethert one last time before everyone starts to leave for college.

Watching these two challenge each other about all kinds of things is quite entertaining.
They are both super stubborn and think they can do anything and everything.

Princess Marley made herself very comfortable.

I had to say goodbye to a few girls last night and I lost it.
I have held it together so well all summer but having to say goodbye to a few of my favorites got to me but I know they are going to soar and can't wait to hear all about it.

Grams came in for the day

I had to take a trip up to the lakehouse to meet with the painters and my car was packed with faucets, lighting, hardware, etc.  All the finishing touches, we are getting SO close!!!

ODB Night, always a great time

This was our last get together before Jill moves to Florida, she will be so missed but excited for her new adventure and to visit her!
Ann, Shannon, me, Jill, Jeana, Courtney, Alison, and Krista

Thursday was the day,,,LASIK time!!
I have put this off for years because I didn't want to wear glasses for two weeks but I finally got sick of dealing with contacts and glasses and bit the bullet.  Kendall took me and honestly it was super easy (with the help of Xanax 😊).  It didn't hurt at all.  I came home slept most of the day and woke up seeing perfect.  It was incredible.

Friday, we went to dinner with Ann & Ainsley downtown

We had dinner on a rooftop and got an amazing sunset!

Saturday we meet Lonnie & Leslie at the lake for the night.
We hung out in the lake for most of the day.

We went to the Sale Barn for dinner and got this amazing desert.

We played games, told stories, and laughed till our stomach hurt for the rest of the night.


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