Thursday, August 15, 2024

Move In #2

 Taylor and I hit the road early to head to College Station for move in.  Ryan drove from Austin to meet us with all the rest of her stuff.

Checked in and ready to unpack!

She is in a 2 x 1 meaning 2 bedrooms with 2 girls in each and one bathroom.  One of her roommates moved in a few days earlier so she could start rush but that still left 3 girls plus their parents and/or other people helping in a small space, it was crowded especially with all the bags and boxes.  But we got it done!

The bar cart- so cute!

Living room

and dining area (I didn't take a picture of the kitchen area)

Haley and Taylor's room- the bathrroom (shower & toliet) are directly across the hall from their bedroom door and then the second bedroom is just past that.

  This room is not big and has really large scale furniture so it is a tight fit.

There is maybe 18 inches between their beds 😳

Greyson came and was a big help bringing all the things up from the truck with Ryan while Taylor and I got busy putting stuff away.  He hung all her pictures up.

Her desk/get ready area- Gram is sending her a white desk shirt to cover all the things under.

ALL DONE!  Their room turned out so pretty and clean just like she wanted.

Greyson, Ryan, Taylor, and I went and grabbed some linner we had been working for hours and to give Haley and her parents some space to do stuff in the room.  We couldn't all fit in their at once.
Before we left I said a prayer in their room, hid her first day of school gift, and a letter I wrote her.
We said our good-byes in the parking lot.  I gave her a big hug, told her how proud I was of her and that I loved her and walked away.  Short and sweet and then cried my eyes out in Ryan's truck half the way to the lake. 

College Station take care of my baby girl, she is ready to take you on and I am excited for her.


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