Saturday, July 13, 2024

Let's do this BVI's!!

5:30AM take offs are not my favorite but for the BVI's I will do it!
We have never been and are both super excited for the next week of adventures and exploring.

Let's just say it was the worst travel day, we flew from Austin to Atlanta.  We boarded our plane in Atlanta took off and about 45 minutes into the flight had to turn around because their was a problem with the de-icer.  When we landed we were met with firetrucks, police, and EMS since we hadn't burned enough fuel we were still heavy and they were concerned about sparks and/or fire.  It was crazy and a bit scary to see.  Thankfully all was good.  We all got off and after a three hour wait of finding us a new plane and crew we finally boarded  and were on our way.  We were suppose to land at 1:30 but now it was 8:30 which meant that we had to spend the night in the marina.

Meet in Boatox, our home for the next 7 days

our room
she is not big or roomie but she is pretty plus don't plan to spend a bunch of time in here anyways

Joe, our chef, made us some amazing sushi

and tuna

Special desert to celebrate Robbie & Celise's anniversary


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