Sunday, October 17, 2021

New York you were fantastic!

Ryan had two request when I was planning out things to do on our trip.  One was pizza (clearly we had that covered) and two was a really good sandwich (the guy loves him a good sandwich).  So after lots of research and asking around (some of the best ones were closed down) we headed to Katz's.

The places was packed and it was crazy in there.
We ordered at the counter and OH MY GOODNESS look at the size of these sandwiches!
We could have shared half a sandwich and been fine but naturally we wanted to try alittle of bit of everything.  He loved his hot dog and sandwich and I loved the pickles!  My sandwich was good but nothing special but again I ordered turkey. 

We walked around a bit and then hopped on some bikes to go find the Brooklyn Bridge.  Well we found it and rode around in cirlces multiple times trying to find the entrance to walk/ride across it but we had no luck and someones patience was running thin.  :) 

So we settled for a pic under it!

Ryan told me he would do whatever I wanted till 3:30 today, then it was time to hit the sports bar and watch the Baylor game.  The last couple of Managing Partner trips Baylor has had a big game and we spend one afternoon in a bar watching the game.  We always meet up with a few other couples so it is fun.  I have made friends with and always meet new ones on these trips and the people are the best.  Plus it is always interesting to talk and find out about how different it is living in different parts of the US are.  

That evening it was the farewell reception and dinner at a space in Tribecca. 
They always so a beautiful job selecting locations and making it super special.

This place had a huge rooftop bar, you could see for miles

I wanted a good picture of us and this is as good as I got. 

We ate, drank, and danced the night away!  So fun!

Sunday we woke up,  packed and prayed to the scales that our bags were under 50 pounds!  Did alittle shopping :) We had one last stop...Schmackary's.  It was on Oprah's favorite things list a few years ago and someone else reccommend it so being the cookie monster I am we had to go.  They opened at 10 and our car was suppose to leave for the airport at 10 but Ryan managed to talk them into waiting for us, thankfully it was just one block from hotel and we were waiting when they opened. 

We got one of each and brought them home so we could all taste them with the girls.  I will say they were good but I nothing special.

This was such an amazing, memorable trip for both of us.  His company does a fantastic job putting these on and I am so thankful for the time away with Ryan making new memories, exploring, and traveling.

I am also super excited to get home and see my girls and Marley!


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