Saturday, September 28, 2019

Wrapping up September!

Sunday morning breakfast with this crew is always entertaining!

Our church ride is getting fuller and I love it!

Ryan's massage parlor in session, 
trying to work on Taylor's back that is still giving her some issues

Monday, I had two with Lacey and Celise.
We always have the best time laughing and telling stories.

That evening Taylor had a volleyball game

She even had some special visitors-Mimi and Poppy

Taylor and her friends (The Girly Pops) made all their guy friends posters to cheer them on at the football.
They came to our house over the weekend and spent hours making these, coming up with sayings, deciding colors, etc.  They were so proud and excited of them!

Cheering them on!

We played Four Points which is always a big rivalry for us!

Some how I got talked into stopping back at the school so they could tell the guys congrats and give them their posters.

Back to Cryo, she does say that it is helping, which is great news!

Friday night was an away game for varsity so the kids hung at the house.
I love these two and their NO personal space friendship.

They might eat all my food, sound like a herd of buffalo upstairs, leave all the balls in the front yard along with water bottles and soda cans, leave random pieces of clothing behind, and blare their music so the neighbors can hear it but having a full house makes my heart so happy!

Saturday was beautiful, we chilled outside and watched football for awhile.

Taylor had Lucy's birthday party that afternoon

That night Ryan and I got to sneak out for a date!!!

Video clips from September


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