Saturday, September 21, 2019

Church, volleyball, and Hoco!!

This is what getting ready for church apparently looks like!

All ready and out the door on time and smiles all around!
I take it as a WIN!

Monday, Canyon Ridge played Four Points at VHS!
This is always an exciting and game for the girls since the high school watches, takes them on a tour of the locker room and there is some friendly competition between the schools.

CRMS won and we had a special visitor!
Kendall can't usually make her games due to school and location so we were super happy to have her here tonight!

Tuesday, Kendall asked me to take her and Brayden to school.  They like to stop on the way and grab some kolaches.  Brayden texted me and asked if we could come about 5 minutes early, I didn't think anything of it, the kids doesn't like to be late so I just figured it was that.

But when we pulled up he was walking out...

with his HoCo proposal!

I'd be a dum-dum if I didn't ask you to Hoco!
So stinking cute!

Monday during warm ups for her game Taylor hurt her back somehow.
It was pretty intense muscle or tissue pain so went to get some therapy after school.
First time for her in the Cryo!

We went back on Thursday for another cryo treatment but also do some light therapy as well!

It is crazy how advance and exact they can get.

It was also the Freshman football game day!
Sam, Breanna, Laney, and Kendall

Saturday was the varsity game and this week's theme was Tacky Tourist

Taylor and her friends dressed up

It was a super laid back weekend, which don't come often, so we just chilled, got caught up on things, hung out with some friends, and enjoyed some down time.


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