Saturday, May 4, 2019

Wrapping up April

Since Grams was in town and the girls need 17 hundred dresses/outfits for banquets and end of the year things coming up they played hookie from school and we hit the mall!

I will say it was the most successful shopping EVER!  They both got outfits for all their end of year stuff, it was like a Christmas miracle!  Seriously, no one cried and we all walked away still talking to each other!

Tuesday, I took Kendall to watch all her girlfriends perform one last time before they competed at Summit.

Wednesday, I stopped over at the Ausley's house and these three have no personal space when they are together.  Love them!

Thursday bed time girl talks!
I love and cherish this time.

Friday, Taylor has some girls over.  They wanted to swim but it was pouring rain.
Next thing I know they are running up and down the street in the swimsuits playing in the rain.
Sounds great, except I had to go run out there and yell at them to come in because it was lightening!

So instead they "swam" in our bath tub!
Pretty sure they think they are smaller than they are, it wasn't easy getting them all in there but they didn't seem to care.  They hung out for a while.

Meanwhile Kendall was at The House of Torment with some friends.

It was P O U R I N G rain.

Saturday, Taylor has a volleyball team get together at the skating ring.

Ryan and I got a much needed date night!!!

What a week actually last couple of weeks!


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