Friday, May 24, 2019

Another CRAZY busy week....

Another day another banquet!
Sunday was Taylor's AJV volleyball banquet. 

This is has been the best club volleyball season we have had, yet.  The coach was fantastic with the girls but pushed them to met his expectations.  Her team mates quickly became really good friends who all supported each other.  The parents were great, thank goodness because we spent ALOT of time together at practice and tournaments.  Taylor made some big improvements in the game as well.  Her love for the sport is really showing.

Taylor, Maddie, Claire, Bella, Rachel, Holly, Keagan, and Penny

Of our the girls parents own a limo business so they drove the girls to the banquet!

They received Team of the Year Honorable Mention!

The girls go almost every evening on a golf cart ride to visit their "friends".  Just pasted our neighborhood is a street that has some livestock- longhorns, donkeys (the girls have named him Kevin), cows, horses, etc and they love to go down there.  One night they wanted me to go with them and I snapped this pic.

Mars had to come too, she loves riding on the golf cart!

Wednesday I got the girls out of school a bit early to drive to San Antonio.  Grams retired in December after 32 years of teaching and her retirement ceremony was this evening.  I told her we weren't going to be able to make it since it was a school night and honesty driving to and from SA didn't sound appealing but I know that we should be there for her on her special night.  She has and does so much for us that I wanted to be there.  She was super happy when we walked in and surprised her!

Jennifer made the trip in, as well.

Papa with his greats

One of my all time favorite humans EVER- love this guy!

So proud of you mom, now enjoy the next chapter of your life!

They can get on each others nerves and fight like the best of them but at the end of the day they truly are friends and I pray they always are.

Thursday we were back at the sand courts for practice.

They do 30 minutes of conditioning each practice.  Which is great except they literally are rolling around in the sand and then get in my car!  I had sand EVERYWHERE, it looks like my car is a rolling sand court!  I don't think I will have a clean car the entire summer!

This time of year is exhausting with so much going on but I am trying to soak it all in and enjoy each thing as I know it is just a season that we are in and one day I will miss it.


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