Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kendall's Class Christmas Party

I volunteered at the beginning of the year to be a room mom helper for Kendall's kinder class. I was so super excited after her starting school and wanted to get involved and connected, so I thought this would be a good way. Well, I had to miss the first meeting at the beginning of the year so I got assigned by the other mothers to be in charge of the holiday party. Awesome! Not really a good time with Kendall's birthday the last weekend of school, Christmas a week later, and Taylor's birthday 2 weeks after, but I wasn't about to say anything. So in the mist of all of my planning, shopping, and wrapping chaos I was planning and coordinating her class party.

Mrs. McCauley reading the class a book while we got everything set up.

It all turned out great and the kids are a great time. There was five stations they rotated through, cookie decorating, making reindeer food, candy cane ornament, reindeer craft, and a foam picture frame. I had a volunteer at each station to help the kids out and lots of other parents floating around. Then the kids got to eat pizza, fruit, and veggies in the classroom before wrapping up the two hour party.

Kendall at the cookie decorating station

I was totally EXHAUSTED after two hours with 18 kindergartners! I can't imagine doing it all day everyday. Kendall came home with me after the party along with a paper FULL of crafts she had been making the last week or two of school that she had to show and tell me about!

Here is Kendall and some of all her creations!

Seriously what do you do with all this????


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