Sunday, January 9, 2011

Christmas Fun!

So over the break the girls and I did our annual sugar cookie baking. This is one of the girls favorite things and Ryan's least! It is just makes a big mess no matter how hard I try not to. So we did it one day when he had to go to work.

I didn't get any pictures of the making progress because my hands where covered in flour (along with my face, clothes, counter, and floor)!

The girls carefully decorating their cookies!

Some of Kendall's finish product- notice they all have a smiley face on them!

Taylor's finish products

Look at the third cookie on the first row. That is suppose to be an angel. I asked Taylor what happened and she said without skipping a beat "I ate it"! Gotta love her.

This year Ryan and I decided that we wanted to celebrate Christmas at our house. So on Christmas Eve morning we took the girls ice skating!

The girls ready to go!

So we all laced up and headed out on the ice- very slowly! Ryan only lasted a couple of minutes. His feet were cramping up and he say "size 14 feet were not meant to a blade that thin"! So he became the official photographer.

At first I took one girl and would do a lap with them while the other would hold on to the rail and skate around and then trade. Pretty soon they were stable enough that I could just hold their hand and we could all skate together.

It was amazing how fast they pick it up.! They got brave enough to skate without my help!!

The girls and I had soooo much fun skating for almost TWO HOURS!

After skating time was up, Ryan got us all hot cocoa and a s'more kit. They had a huge fireplace right next to the rink to warm up next to and roast s'mores in.

The girls enjoying their s'mores and hot cocoa!

It was a fabulous morning and a TON of fun.


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