Saturday, February 20, 2021

Snowpocalypse 2021

 Sophie hosted a Valentine's Day party for her friends.  
This is the only picture that was shared with me :( 

All the girls came to our house after and spent the night.
Breakfast time!

Valentine's Day!!

It had been abnormally cold the last couple of days, there was snow forecasted so school was canceled for in person (which didn't really affect the girls since they were virtual anyways). 

It started snowing that afternoon and literally didn't stop and not just like a flake here and there but really snow coming down.

When I woke up it was beautiful!

You can not even see the street!

Ryan's truck was in the shop so thank goodness for Kendall's car that had 4 wheel drive.
We didn't go anywhere for a day or two because the roads were so bad.
School was canceled all week and Ryan had to close down the office as well.

Kendall went to Brayden's house one day and they pulled people behind their polaris in the street!
We saw people skiing, like with skis and poles down the roads... it was insane!

The icicles off the pool was massive!

This one thought it would be a great idea to take one off and freeze her fingers off in the process!

We did alot of this

and this to pass time.

Kendall had her girls over one night when the roads got a bit better.

It was gorgeous and really pretty the first day or two and then everyone was over it.  Stores were closed, roads were awful, and we all had a bit of cabin fever.

Friday things were finally starting to melt/thaw and it was a bit warmer, I went outside and heard a strange noise.  When I walked over to the side of the house there was water gushing very where from one of the pool pipes.  Ryan had wrapped them and the waterfall had been running for days straight to keep things from freezing but the waterfall that goes into the hottub was turned off and that pipe busted when it was thawing.  I shut everything off, called my emergency pool guy who just happened to be in the neighborhood and he fixed it enough till he could get the new parts and come back to fix it for good.

That evening Taylor had some girlfriends over.  

Ryan had just got done grilling steaks for us and we were eatting when all of a sudden ALL of the smoke alarms started going off in the house.  Ryan and I jumped up and started running around the house looking and smelling for anything.  We could find anything but called the fire department just in case sense the alarms kept going off.

They didn't find anything, thankfully but it sure was a crazy day.  But I can't complain because half the city still didn't have electricity or water and we never lost either.

Four days later this was the scene!
Texas weather is C R A Z Y!!!

February video clips


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