Friday, July 1, 2011

Beach Day 2

Wednesday, we did a bunch of the same thing in the morning.

Built more sand castles,

Made lots more cookies and brownies, and

buried Kendall in the sand.

Basically lots of nothing! It was really relaxing and the girls had a great time whether they were playing with us, together, or by themselves. I might have to fill our backyard with sand. (If it wasn't so messy)

After we had lunch, we all showered and headed into town to do a little souvenir shopping!

This was the front of the store

And the back was a whole huge pirate ship! Taylor loved it.

After that we headed over to "The Hangout" to grab some dinner. This place is a parents dream come true when it comes to a restaurant. It has a huge sand pile to play in, bubbles blowing out of no where, foam machines, water tables, music, table tennis, and a million other things to do while you wait for your table or to enjoy after you are done eating. Taylor (our other family photographer) starting snapping some family pictures and actually got some really great ones.

Ryan and I

Ryan and Kendall

Daddy and his girls

Taylor and Kendall

Ta and me

After dinner we walked area the outside area and Taylor saw this bungee trampoline that she wanted to do.

Harnessed and ready to go


Doing a back flip!

Kendall didn't want to do it so we headed back to the The Beach Club for some desert at the ice cream parlor. After some yummy cold ice cream, Kendall wanted to do it and luckily they had one there so she got her chance.

I love the look on her face

Kendall did awesome, she was a flipping machine. She probably did 20 flips in 3 minutes. She loved it!

It was time to call it a night and get ready for another fun day tomorrow.


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