Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Tea and Spa

Friday I was invited to a Mother's Day Tea and Spa at Kendall's school. She was super excited about the whole thing and she kept telling me that "I had to look my finest". To funny.

When I got to her school on Friday all the Moms waited in the hallway and the kids came out with a coffee filter flower that they had painted and escourted us to their classrooms.

When we got there the tables were covered in bright colored table clothes with cookie "flower" arrangements. The Moms got to sit in the kids seat while they went and made us a plate of grapes, cheese, chocolate covered strawberries (that they had made earlier in the day), pretzels and apple juice to drink.

This was one page of a book she made me and it says "My mom and I like to go shopping".

After we were done eating we got to open our cards and presents they had made for us.

Then it was on to the "spa" part of it. First up was a make over! We were told to bring our make-up bag with us. I know a bit scary but she did a really good job!

Next, was a manicure! Kendall choose bright red for me!

And last was an arm and neck massage!

It was so much fun and the kids had a great time pampering their Moms. The teacher did an amazing job getting ready for this and preparing all the gifts.


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