Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fat Lip??

So on our last visit to the dentist they told us Taylor had a cavity. My heart sank :( I have never even had a cavity or Ryan. But I scheduled an appointment for a couple of weeks later to come back and have it filled. The whole experience was great and she did amazing! She climbed in the chair, they gave her a blanket to cover up with, she got to pick a movie to watch (the tv was hanging from the middle of the ceiling- can I have one of those in my bedroom!) and listen to it with earphones. She was completely comfortable and just laid there the whole time. Before we left the dentist gave me instructions and warned me that sometimes kids bite their tongues, checks, or lips when they are numb so to watch her carefully.

I took this one right after I picked her up from school!

So after a little while I dropped her off at school (telling her teacher what she had done this morning and to call me if she was complaining or anything) and went to work. About an hour later I get a call and they want to know if they can give her ice because her lip is swollen. Yes, of course and I will be there in about 15 minute to pick her up. When I got there I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Her lip was HUGE! I immediately called the dentist and they said she probably bite her lip just to have her eat soft foods for the next couple of days and remind her not to play with her teeth or lips.

This was in the evening- I think it got bigger!

When Ryan got home, he was extremely concerned. So he put a call in to our dentist and texted her some pictures to her. She said it looks like she has been sucking on her lip and that is what is causing this. So our little trooper (she is one tough cookie) has to stay on a soft diet for a few days and no sucking her thumb or out of a straw or sippey cup for the next week. It could take up to a week for it go away.

Side view- it hangs below her bottom lip :(

The good news is that she says she is in no pain and hasn't complained about it at all, other than being a little self conscious about it. My poor baby.


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