Sunday, October 9, 2022

Whoa what a week!

Saturday we made a pitstop at the lake.  The girls have only ever seen pics of the land and building progress so we wanted them to actually see it  On the road to our land there are lots of animals.  There was a cow in the middle of the road so Kendall jumped out and tried to make friends with it but it quickly jumped back in the fence.  

Dock has made some serious progress!

We made it to Waco.

Old stompin grounds

Eloise, Kendall, Kate, and Taylor

The game didn't go our way but we had fun and apparently it was very tiring. 

Skelly made his annual appearnace

Saturday on the way back home Ryan complained of indigestion.  Sunday he didn't say anything but was still not feeling good.  Monday morning he told me his stomach was really hurting.  I convinced him to finally go to the ER and 4 hours later he was admitted with an appendicitis and surgury was schedule for Tuesday morning. So we hung out and watched Monday night football in his hospital room.

Tuesday was a long day with surgury at 7AM and finally getting discharged around 6.

On our way home with one less organ but feeling much better!

Walked up to talk to the girls and found this one like this?!

And these two all cuddled up

Thursday Kendall and I volunteered at Hope Austin for NCL

Meanwhile Taylor was having team dinner

Friday was Day One of ACL
Kendall, Brooklyn, and Eloise

Friday was game day!

Day Two of ACL- Kendall and her group

I did some fall shopping!

Taylor and her crew headed to ACL for her first time!

Neal, Carina, and Izzy were in town so went over and visited with them.

ACL Sunday


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