Saturday, August 20, 2022

Back to School!


One last lake day before school starts and it started raining the minute we got on the lake.

The kids all took cover

Thankfully it didn't last long and the sun came out!

Taylor had some friends over for taco night
Cece, Sohpie, Dani, and Taylor

We drove up to the lake to check on the progress and make more decisions.

Game day!

Tuesday night Taylor decoreated Kendall's car for the first day of her Senior year!

First day of Kinder and Senior year pic

Kendall left super early for Senior sunrise so I didn't get a picture of them together.

Breanna and Kendall

Ella and Kendall

Samantha, Brooklyn, Kendall, Eloise, and Kate

First day of Junior for Taylor

After the girls left poor Marley just sat and watched the door for a very long time, she is sad her people left for the day.

First day of school and practice is exhausting!

Thursday morning Taylor had to be at school at 5AM to leave for Dallas for a volleyball tournament!

The girls had a charter bus that drove them around all weekend.  They stayed at a different hotel than the parents.  We honestly only got to see them at the games and for a few minutes after and then they were gone.

Parents dinner night one

Friday was the first football/scrimmage- Vipers won

Parents dinner night 2

Girls dinner night two

Before the last game (we played 9 or 10 total over 3 days) during warm ups Taylor got hit in the head with a ball hard.  She played that game but was not ok.  She road the bus home with the team but was checked out by the team doctor when they got back to the school and was told she has a concussion.

Of course no road time on 35 is complete without a stop at Buckee's!

This fur ball was happy we were home.

For the for next few days she slept alot, took it easy, and laid around.  Thankfully after a few days she was feeling alot better.  


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