Saturday, February 29, 2020

Wrapping up Febuary and NCA!!

Saturday night with the crazy kids
Dani, Ava, Cici, Sophie, and Tay

Sunday, Kendall has CA pics

That evening a group of her friends went to teen night at Wild West

Tuesday, I felt awful and spent the entire morning in bed.  Right before lunch time I got a call from Taylor that she felt bad so we spent the rest of the day together laying in bed and watching movies.

Ryan was out of town hunting and Taylor and I had a little plan up our sleeves!!

 We spent all afternoon/evening removing everything from her bathroom, taping it off, and painting!!  I have not painted anything in years and it is A LOT of work!!  My shoulders and arms were on fire!

We made a few trips to Home Depot for random supplies but we did a good job, learned a few lessons, but got the job done!  I will show the finished product later, we ordered a new light fixture and waiting for some random things to finish the space.

We grab some Pho- our favorite!

Sunday we hosted Taylor's NCL meeting at our house.

Kendall and her CA team have had tons of extra practices- like 4 hours long 4 times a week- getting ready for NCA this weekend.   Wednesday they did a show off, Mimi and Poppy have not had a chance to watch her so this was perfect. 

The Buchanan's came

The picture on the left popped up in my Facebook memories today so when we got home I had to have the girls recreate it!

Lauren had knee surgery so Breanna and Kendall took her some goodies, cards, balloons to cheer her up!

Friday Kendall and I hit the road to Dallas for NCA
She is great company on the road

Her stunt group has worked so hard preparing for NCA, they set a goal of 50 hits, they went in early before practice as much as they could all get there.  They met their goal so the moms all got together and gave them matching Kendra Scott necklaces.

Jewel Cats

The hit ZERO and did their most amazing performance this season!!!

After their competition Kendall and I met a bunch of her friends that came up to with Ella to celebrate her birthday in Dallas at the mall for some shopping.

Anna, Ella, Ava, Breanna, Malia, Brooke, Kendall, and Brooklyn

Sunday they came to watch her perform!
They hit zero again!!
They placed 5th out of 23 teams, not the outcome they hoped for super proud of them.

Feburary Video Clips


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