Friday, June 21, 2019

Perfect Summer Week!

 Monday night we played Phase 10, wait till you see the clips of what happens when Taylor plays cards.  The microphone is a BIG clue!

That evening when I was leaving to take Brayden home I open the door to the garage and this was greeting me!  I screamed so loud, it scared the crap out of me!  He tried to come inside but Brayden got it outside, thank goodness!

Tuesday, Kristina invited over to hang out.  Kendall had some friends over so we took all of them with us.

Kendall with her friends

We ordered a bunch of food and just chilled.

I made a joke that it looked like we were at a public pool with that amount of kids we had.

Taylor and her friends

I love lazy summer mornings even if they messed up my freshly made bed.

Grams came in on Wednesday for the night.

Thursday- Taylor had volleyball camp and Kendall had cheer practice so Mom and I snuck away and did some shopping and I took her to one of my favorite restaurants Tru Foods.

After that she headed home and I was off to take Taylor to her lesson.

Then it was Toy Story 4 movie time!!

I have kept very few toys from when the girls were little but Taylor loved Toy Story for years.
She had all the main characters, she even dressed up for Halloween as Buzz one year.

Friday we went out of the lake

We had a picnic on the back of the boat.

They all took turns tubing

It was great week of playing, relaxing, enjoying friends, and making memories with the girls.


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