Monday, January 22, 2018

Another week...

Monday the girls had no school.  Kendall was over at a friends house and Taylor and I ran some errands and stopped at the gold old Whataburger for some lunch!

Found this cute furry pic on my camera!  Marley is one loved dog!

Monday evening the weather got "real bad" for Texas as in below freezing with a "chance of snow" so of course school was canceled on Tuesday.  :)  No school means an opportunity for the girls to talk Ryan and I into having friends over to hang.

Never fails that the bottom of the stairs are always covered in shoes!

Taylor and Gralyn sat at the island for a LONG time and make these adorable clay things.

Tuesday it was REALLY REALLY cold but no snow :(.  We were super lazy and just hung around the house and watched movies.  We watched The Blindside (I cry every time I watch it) and it was a hit so I thought they might like Ferris Bueller's Day Off (one of my favorite movies) but it was fail.  So sad!  The girls were not into it at all.

After dinner and being home for 4 days straight this is what happens!

I for sure thought someone would end up crying or hurt.

I have watched this 5 million times and still belly laugh at it.  I was literally crying when it happened.  It was hysterical!

Wednesday!  Thank goodness school was back!

I signed up to try an indoor cycling class with a girlfriend.  I have never taken a cycling class but it was Madonna themed so I was in.  Let's just say I was a total fish out of water and almost feel off my bike a few times!  It was lots of fun and a serious work out!  Holy moly I was so sore for a few days!

Thursday Taylor had an ortho appointment around lunch so we grabbed a quick bite before I took her back to school. 

We were right next to our favorite bakery so we grab a cookie for K and her after school.  They are not only so cute but delicious!

Kendall has been taking private tumbling classes for a while now but she took a class on Thursday to try it out.  She actually had a lot of fun so we are going to sign up her up!

We had a pretty chill weekend.  Saturday the girls had friends over and I didn't get any pictures (weird I know!).  Ryan worked all day in the garage installing the new cabinet system.  It looks really good, I take some pictures when it is all done.  

Sunday Kendall and I went to chruch and then tumbling.

Taylor loves to bake and whipped up this pretty with fondent hearts for desert.

After dinner, homework, and shower the girls and I watched Sister Act and liked it!


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