Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Fun

Sunday we headed to San Antonio but not to see family instead to spend some time at the JW Marriott.  I have only been there once with a group of girls and it was off season so I was super excited to get to enjoy all of the property.  There were about 20 other families from our neighborhood going as well so I knew the girls and Ryan and I would have a great time.

It was overcast on Sunday but that didn't bother the kids one bit.

Kendall and Camille 

Ryan and I

Kristin and I

Ryan enjoying the lazying river with the girls and Reese

Some of the Moms

Taylor and her partner in crime, Landon

Ryan and Kendall coming down the slide!

Love their faces

There were so many of the girls friends from school and the neighborhood that they would just take off and go play and come back to check in very once and awhile.  It was very strange at first since that has never happened but I felt safe since there are lifeguards every five feet and they are pretty good swimmers.  They loved having the freedom and it was nice to sit and relax with my girlfriends and Ryan.

Taylor has a group of 6 girls in her class this year that have become very close and including her 5 of them were there!

Taylor, Julie, and Alex

That evening they had s'more at the fire pit.

Taylor, Landon, and Kaden

We decided that the lawn setting was best for dinner so that they kids come run and play instead of sitting in a restaurant.  It was really nice, there were two trailers serving food, a live band, a bunch of picnic tables, and of course a bar set up in the middle of a HUGE field that the kids got to play on.

The girls were exhausted after a long in the sun playing. 

 Some how Taylor ended up on the pull out all by herself.

 Ryan went downstairs in the morning and got everyone Starbucks and I look over and see this..  

Does she look comfortable or what?

We spent a good part of Monday hanging out and playing in water before heading home.  It was a great little vacation for all, we will definitely be going back.


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