Thursday, August 5, 2010

Country Girls!

Saturday we headed to San Antonio to spend some time with my grandparents. They recently moved in their new house that they redid in Boerne (just outside of San Antonio). Jennifer, Joe, and Avery meet us out they for some good country fun!

The girls convinced Uncle Joe to take them on a ride on the tractor!

Once we made it down to the creek they did a little exploring finding tadpoles and frogs. Mommy forgot our rain boots so we had to go barefoot!

Don't worry it didn't slow us down.

While Nanaw was cooking us some out of this world home cooking Avery took us for a drive! Seriously I wish I lived down the street from her (or maybe not I am not sure my pants would fit if I did)!

After lunch and a change of clothes Uncle Joe taught Taylor to drive! I was nervous and had all the right to be. The girl (Taylor) has no fear. She drives fast and wants to go faster and drives towards things without slowing down.

But Uncle Joe was running behind me the whole time stopping me before I ran into a tree!
Thanks Uncle Joe!

Kendall was more interested in playing hostess by bringing everyone drinks than driving!

It sure was hot!

Later that afternoon we headed to the next set of grandparents house for a visit. Unfortunately I didn't snap any pictures while we were visiting Papa and Mama Edson but it was a nice visit.

For dinner we went with them to Charma Gaucha a Brazilian Steakhouse- it was the first time for me. OMGoodness I have never seen so much meat being walked around in all my life. You just flip a little card letting them know you are ready to eat and these men come at you in all different directions like piranhas trying to give you all kinds of meat. Ryan was in heaven and so was Taylor, she ate a ton of garlic steak! Now I am not a huge meat eater but the salad bar was fabulous.

It was a really nice to drive in just to see and visit my grandparents usually we are trying to a hundred other things as well.


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