Saturday, May 9, 2020

Kicking off May

Kendall and I started Friday off with a little sweat sesh.

Saturday, our bean bags for the media room arrived.  Kendall and I "fluffed" them and brought them upstairs and Marley immediately made herself comfortable.  

That evening we hung out at the Lackey's and the Mom's decided to get in on the fun and took a tube ride.

Last weekend while we hung out in the pool Ryan and the girls came up with the amazing plan to turn the media room (which currently houses the ping pong/pool table) into an actual media room.  After talking me into their plan and promised it would be super simple (famous last words) I agreed.  After lots of planning, multiple phone calls, ordering some things online, and the pool table company came and move the pool table to the hang out room it was time to get to work.

When we bought this house this room was a ballet room, mirrored wall, bar, and wood floor.  After just a few weeks in we had carpet installed to help with the sound when the kids were upstairs.   So the first step was to take down the mirrors.  It ended up being way more difficult and time consuming than we expected.  We put all the big pieces in rubber tubs and in the back of the truck to haul off to the dumpster- about 800 trips up and down and vacuuming the floor even more it was all down.

We expected to find drywall behind it but to our surprise we did not.

So the painters came patched, textured, and painted the wall.
Ryan also installed a ceiling fan.

Taylor needed a few things from Target.
Doesn't everyone wear their Ugg houseshoes out in public?

Wednesday, Kendall had all her girlfreinds over for the first time since all this Covid stuff started.
They were so excited to be together, it made my heart so happy.
They sat outside and talked for hours.

We celebrated Jeana's birthday at her boat dock on Thursday!

Friday, Taylor had a volleyball lesson.  To say she was ecstatic is an understatement.
The indoor courts aren't open so it had to be on the sand court.

The wood was also delievered.
Wood...Tiffany, why do you need wood?  You ask.
Oh, you know just to do an ancent wall in the media room, you know that super simple little project that we are in the middle of.

This is the wall adjacent to what was the mirrored wall and the wall that the TV will go on.
First, we hung plywood on it to support the wood we are going to hang on it.
Then, Ryan hung the bracket for the TV.

Ryan and I decided to go ahead and start the wood wall about 6PM.
We cut a bunch of the boards in the driveway and brought them upstairs to start putting them up.  Then we would get to a point when we would have to make a speciality cut so we would have to stop pick the right color wood, measure, go downstairs, measure and cut the wood, come back upstairs and pray to the measuring Gods that we got it right.  This whole thing went on till almost midnight when we nailed the final board up.

Saturday morning, we installed the baseboard trim on one wall, put LED lights on the back of the TV and up on the wall, and placed the bean bags in place.
Can you spot Marley?

About 20 trips up and down the stairs, a few four letter words, and lots of measuring and remeasuring I am super pleased with the outcome.  I love the colors, the texture, and that Ryan and I did the entire thing ourselves.

Our kitchen has also turned into a nail salon these days.


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