Sunday, December 8, 2013

Baylor-UT Game

Friday after school we gathered up Amy, Casey, Jon and Paige and head to Waco.  Saturday Baylor was playing UT.  This was the last game that will ever be played in Floyd Casey Stadium.  The stadium where Ryan played all his college games in.  It also turned out to be the game that decided the Big 12 Champions.

Our first stop was George's, of course.  

Then we hit up some local favorites.  Vitek's made these awesome hats so we felt we needed to sport them for the night.

The next morning we got up and layered a serious amount of clothes on, it was REALLY cold.

We did some tailgating and made our way into the game.

I know this picture is blurry but that's Amy standing in a sleeping bag trying to stay warm.

I had on three shirts and two jackets and a blanket, it was cold people.  At one point it was 27 degrees!  I was trying to get Ryan to take a picture but he couldn't take his eyes off the game.

Baylor won and after the game they presented the Big 12 trophy.  Ryan is not an emotional guy but seeing his team being presented the Big 12 trophy was touching.  He was so proud of those guys and the  coaches.  Then they turned the lights off one by one to the stadium.  Art Briles (the head football coach) got to turn the last one off and it was really cool.  The whole stadium was almost pitch dark and theny never turned them back on.  We left in the dark.

The gang after the lights went out.

It was a crazy fun weekend.

Sic Em!


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