Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Trip to Corpus Chrisit

The girls and I took a road trip to Corpus Christi to go visit Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Joe, Avery and Alison in their new city and home!

Since they had just moved in we (and I mean me) helped do a little unpacking and decorating.  It was fun but I don't want to have to move again for long time, it is ALOT of work!

The next day Uncle Joe took all three big girls to the beach.  Thank you Uncle Joe.  They had a great time playing in the sand, eating ice cream, and jumping waves.  Unfortunately Uncle Joe didn't take any picture but we will over look.

We did a little backyard swimming. 

One of my favorite pictures of Kendall and Alison.  Kendall loves Alison so much.  She will make an incredible babysitter one day soon.

Jennifer and I took the girls eat some yummy seafood at The Laguna Reef

It was a little difficult with the wind to take a good pic

Group pic

 These girls love each other and have so much fun (and get in so much trouble) together.

 The last day we took a trip to the Corpus Christi Aquarium.  It has been a few years since we have visited and they have added some new stuff.

 We got to touch sting rays!  No matter how much reassurance I gave Kendall she didn't participate, she was worried they would sting her.  But she enjoyed watching them swim around.

We watched the dolphin show

Taylor and Avery touched the sharks!

I even learned a new interesting fact!  Flounders can lay flat and make themselves blend in.  I saw this on the floor and asked one of the workers if the fish was dead, oops.

The rescue turtles were my favorite.  They are so pretty and big!


Sweet girls

After visiting the aquarium the girls and I headed home and not 10 minutes in this what my car looked like!  They slept for over two and half hours.  It was nice drive home!


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