Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mountain Goats!

Yes, I think my children are part mountain goat after our latest day trip. We had been in San Antonio visiting family and on our way home we made a detour to Enchanted Rock! Grams, Aunt Jennifer, and Avery joined us for the adventure.

We got there early since this summer heat is out of control and I had read online that the park fills up fast and sometimes has to stop letting people in. We arrived around 9 and were surprised how few people were there.

We took the Summit Trail up- The Three Amigos

Stopping for a water break on the way up

We made it to the TOP!!!

Grams, Aunt Jennifer, and me
Kendall, Avery, and Taylor

We wondered around at the top for awhile and Kendall pointed out this "Eagle"

The girls taking in the views and giving Grams a heart attack by going to close to the edge (two more feet and they are going straight down)!

Kendall acting like she is stuck under this rock! Goof Ball

My future paparazzi (Taylor) took a cute photo of the two of us at the top

Taking one last water break before we head back down

After we made it back down and the girls were adement that we HAD to have a picnic, blanket and all. So we found a nice shaded spot with a picnic table for the adults only of course.

Right as we got there we were greeted by a crazy squirrel! This squirrel was WAY to use to people and was coming WAY to close to the table for my comfort. He had a crazy look in his eyes. He would stand right over our heads on the tree and then run to the other end of the branch and get super close to us. I swear he was about to attack! Grams came to the rescue and gave him a piece of bread which made him happy for awhile.

Crazy squirrel running away with food

The girls did an amazing job climbing up and down the whole thing. We had to keep telling Billy Goat Kendall to slow down and to stop running and skipping the whole way because she was giving Grams some serious heart burn. We all had a great time and got out of there before we completely melted!


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