Sunday, April 10, 2011

Kendall's 1st Field Trip

Kendall's had her first field trip to Sweet Berry Farms last week. I was fortunate enough to be able to go along. We have been to Sweet Berry a few times but never during strawberry picking season so were super excited. Kendall also got to ride a SCHOOL BUS!!! I am not sure what she was more excited about going on the field trip or riding the bus.

Kendall's kinder class
(yes this is the best picture I got, not an easy task to get 20 kinder to cooperate)

When we got there they had a "farmer" assigned to each class to take them around and do activities with. Kendall's class had "Farmer Adam". The kids got to shoot strawberries in an air pump (I didn't get pics of this). Then they did a relay vegetable/fruit dig as a class. Then they learned about how beneficial ladybugs were strawberries. The ladybugs eat the aphids which are pests to strawberry plants. So they were each given one and got to go into the fields and released their ladybug.

Kendall getting her ladybug out

Then they got to plant their own bean plant to bring home to grow.

Then, it was finally time to pick some strawberries!

There are rows and rows and rows of strawberries. They smelled so yummy, I couldn't wait to get home to wash and eat them!

Kendall with all of our strawberries to take home!

Kendall and I

(one of her classmates took this picture- not to bad)

We had a great time and learned lots. Can't wait to do again next year with my Tator.


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