Sunday, September 26, 2010

Holy Guacamole!!!

My Aunt Karen is turning 50 on Monday (Happy Birthday), so for her birthday she wanted to go to Big Lou's to celebrate.

For some background knowledge, Big Lou's was featured on Man vs. Food for their 42" pizza!!!!! Yep, three and half feet wide pizza with over 30 pounds of cheese, toppings, sauce, and dough. Do you feel your waist expanding just thinking about it??

So 15 family members meet there to help her try it out. Well we didn't know that you have to order your food when you first get there, then wait to get your table, and once you get your table they will start your order. They tell you that it takes an hour to make your pizza!! So after a little (or an hour and half) waiting it was delivered.

Feast your eyes on this monster!

Check out my grandmother's face in the background- to funny.

This picture doesn't do it justice. It was HUGE! The waitress gives you a lesson on how to get a slice on your TWO plates successfully when it comes to your table and even with two plates the slice still hangs off!

Karen eating her birthday pizza!

We didn't even finish half of the pizza with all 15 of us eating off of it and the pizza tasted really good. You could only eat one slice and you were full.

Thanks Aunt Karen for a cool experience and hope you have a wonderful birthday!


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