Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Taylor's First Soccer Game

Taylor had her first soccer game this past Saturday. The name of her team is South Miami, she is one of two girls on team the other four are boys (which are two sets of twin). It was bright and early at 8 o'clock. She looked so cute all decked out in her soccer gear. She got to play a couple of minutes after the game started. She walked out on the field like she knew what she was doing. I was thinking this is going to be good but then she processed to stand there and watch the game going on around her, fix her shorts, tuck in her jersey, do some swirls. You get the picture.

After most of the game she decided that she would kick the ball a couple of times and walk around the field with the game.

Her team ended up losing- not that she even realized it- but in her teams defense there was a miniature David Beckham on the other team. But they all had a good time and that is all that matters.

I didn't get a good picture of her in her uniform, I was to busy trying to get her to participate in the game but I will do better in two weeks at her next game.


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