Thursday, September 26, 2024


 This years Managing Partner trip is in Boston!

I was super excited since I had never been before.

Once we checked in, we were off to grab a bite to eat and explore a bit.
This church was beautiful.

Jeana gave us a few recommendations and Stephanie's was her favorite lunch spot.

Cheers to a fun few days!

This lobster roll was delicious.

Next up was the Boston Public Library and the famous Bates Hall

Looks just like it does itn the movies.
Also, it is incredibly quiet and packed with students studying.

We walked over to Boston Marathon Survivor Memorial, I will say if you blink or don't know what you are looking for you will miss it. 

our bag of goodies

Welcome Reception

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Marley turns 15!!!

 Happy 15th Birthday Marley!!!

We had a Facetime birthday party and sang to her.  Excessive...yes but we all love Mars and she is special so why the heck not.

I had ODB night that evening and we learned how to play Mah-jong!  It is really detailed but really fun! 

The next day I noticed that Marley wouldn't open one of her eyes so I got her an appointment at the vet and sure enough she has an ulcer on her eye so eye drops and a cone for the next week for her.  She was NOT happy with me.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Tulsa Trip

Mom called a few weeks back and asked if I wanted to go to Tulsa with Papa and her for the Hall of Fame....duh!  My flights was delayed (flying these days is the worst) so I had to go straight to the reception.

They had a slide show of all the past inductees.

Saturday morning Mom and I meet Amy, Gavin, and his girlfriend at The Philbrook Museum of Art and the grounds were absolutely gorgeous! 

Then we stopped by the house where The Outsiders was filmed- it is literally in the middle of a neighborhood.  Someone bought it awhile back, it was about to be torn down because it had not been taken care, the new owner rebuilt it to look exactly like what it looked like while they filmed it.

That evening was the Hall of Fame ceremony.  Sadly, Papa got really sick and couldn't go so mom stayed at the hotel with him.

I did get a picture before I headed to the airport Sunday morning.

I am very thankful that I went.  I have a whole childhood of memories, trips, and races with him that I will cherish forever and this is another one.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

A&M Game Day

The Jones's went to College Station for Sigma Chi's parents weekend and I got all kinds of good pics! 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Busy week of seeing all the peeps!

 Monday, I drove to San Antonio to meet Mom and help her do some shopping for Bobby's upcoming wedding.  After lots of failures, the last store we found a beautiful dress and shoes for the rehersal dinner!  We grabbed lunch and chatted it up before I headed back home.

Thursday, I meet Taylor at the lake house.  She had a bunch of studying and laundry to do.
Boy do I miss finding her sleeping on the couch, she hates it when I take pictures of her sleeping but it reminds me when she was little and she looks so peaceful.

She wanted a homecoooked meal and this girl loves any kind of "bowl" so I made one of the recipes she is always sending me and it was yummy.

She studied all day so I did her laundry, baked her some chocolate chip pumpkin bread, and did stuff around the house.  It was honestly so nice just to be in the same place together without a bunch of other people and distractions.

That evening we watched a movie and hung out.  She even slept with me, it made my heart so happy.

Friday, she drove back to College Station for date party with Greyson.

Ryan drove to Waco and had dinner with Kendall before heading to the lakehouse.

Saturday was "Black Out" for Baylor 

Greyson and Taylor came back to the lakehouse to chill for the rest of the weekend.  We literally sat on the couch and watched football ALL day.  It was just what everyone needed.

Got a Sunday selfie from these two on their way to church.

My awful passenager and I headed back to Austin.

Busy but heart filling week! 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Aggie weekend!

Taylor went and spend the night in Waco with Kendall

Greyson and Taylor had a "Rio" date party

Look at the cute sign that Dani and her made!

I made a last minute decision to go to College Station on Saturday for the game.

Jennifer, me, and Leslie walking to the tailgate

Got to see this cutie for a few minutes before the game

Mallory, Taylor, Morgan, and Case

Seth got inducted into the A&M Hall of Fame at halftime!

Leslie, Paige, Jennifer, and me- how it started

and how it ended (missing Kendall & Hudson)

After halftime Taylor, Greyson, and I left and went and picked up Avery to grab some lunch.